Queensland Scout Badge Histories
Badges that identify Scouts Australia’s Queensland branch’s regions and districts are part of the Scout uniform, and have been so since scouting began. A lot of thought goes into the artwork of badges, and also into the names of these regions and districts. This website has been set-up to introduce scouts to the meaning behind the badge symbols and also the history of these badges.
The descriptions of each badge have been obtained from a mixture of oral recollections and formal documents. The work of documenting and updating the information is ongoing, and will be updated twice yearly. If you have any amendments, updates and interesting facts associated with the badge, please email the information to badgehistory@scoutsqld.com.au

Useful Resources
About the Project
The evolution of Troops, Groups, Districts and Regions and their badges and what they represent. Information on using this website as a resource for potential Special Interest Area (SIA) projects, and acknowledgements.
The Start of Scouting in Queensland
Learn how the project began to preserve the history of Scout badges in QLD.
Search by Region Order
All Badges are ordered according to Region order.
Search by Alphabetical Order
All Badges are ordered according to alphabetical order.
Scouts Queensland Regions
Brisbane North Region
2004 – current
Brisbane South Region
2004 – current
Central Coast Region
2014 – current
Central & Western Region
2014 – current
Darling Downs Region
2004 – current
Far North Region
2001 – current
Gold Coast Region
2004 – current
Kennedy Region
2001 – current
Moreton Region
2004 – current
Northern Moreton Region
2016 – current
South Eastern Region
2015 – current
Suncoast Region
1991 – current
Wide Bay & Burnett Region
1991 – current