Mount Spec District (Ext)
Alice River, Bluewater, Ingham, Woodlands (Deeragun)
Badge Description
Scout Emblem
Coastline and Points: Represents the coastline of the disrict, with the Ingham in the North and Deeragun (Woodlands Scout Group) in the South.
Camp Gate: Camp Tarmaroo, Bluewater
Mountain : Mount Spec within the Paluma Range National Park
Forest & Waterfall: Wallaman Fall, Girringun National Park west of Ingham. It’s Australia’s highest permanent single drop waterfall.
The badge was designed by Kilarney Pitts (Venturer) and Brooke Pitts (Scout) Kirwan Scout Group in 2020 [6, 7]
Mount Spec was formed in 2018 [1]. It’s first District Commissioner was Andrew Houghton, who was also the Region Commissioner, Kennedy Region. On the 1st August 2024, the district went into recess, and all groups were administered by Kennedy Region.
Districts within Kennedy Region’s three districts were named after mountains, by the Region Commissioner Andrew Houghton who said that “As scouts are always aiming high, mountains can also be climbed on, abseiled down, bushwalked, mountain biked, kayaked and canoed, flown around and mountains are essentially adventurous. The mountain peaks overlook the region and have history both in our time and before like scouts, will be around long after we are gone” [2].
The district is named after Mount Spec, which is within the Paluma Range National Park [3]. There is no documented history on the origins of the name Mount Spec, however Queensland place name expert, Mr Sidney May of Ipswich, suggests that the name is derived from the name of a horse. Right through to the early part of the century, provisions were taken to the top of the mountain by pack horse teams. One of these horses in a particular team, probably the team leader, is said to have a white star or “speck” on its head and was called “Old Speck”. The theory is that the horse could be seen in the distance because of its ‘speck’ and that gradually the miners and packers in the area applied the name to the mountain itself [4].
Mount Spec District Groups (2018): Alice River Scout Group, Bluewater Scout Group Ingham Scout Group, Woodlands Scout Group
Mount Spec District Groups (2024): Bluewater Scout Group
- The Scout Association of Australia, Qld Branch (2019). Annual Report 2018/19, Chief Commissioner’s Report, p. 6.
- Flecker, M. Joey Leader, Loam Island Scout Group, Mount Spec District on District Badge Competition Guidelines, Kennedy Region, issued on 27.10.2018. Personal communique 29.10.2018.
- About Mount Spec, Dept of Environment and Science. Retrieved on 8 November 2019 from: https://parks.des.qld.gov.au/parks/paluma-mount-spec/about.html
- History of Paluma, Mount Spec. Retrieved on 8 November 2019 from: http://gumburu.tsv.catholic.edu.au
- Milton-Turnbull, K. Asst Region Commissioner (Adult Training & Development), Kennedy Region. Personal communique 15.2.2020.
- Andrew Houghton, Region Commissioner, Kennedy Region, Personal communique 9.8.2020.
- Flecker, M. Joey Leader, Loam Island Scout Group, Mount Spec District , Personal communique 12.10.2020.