Oakey District (Ext)
Badge Description
Scout logo
Sheep, Pigs, Cattle, Wheat = Local industry is rural based, processing livestock and grain. The district has a high concentration of cattle feedlots, two Abattoirs, a stockfeed manufacturer, grain trading and transport businesses.
The badge was first issued in October 1961 [8]
Oakey and the creek around which the town is located, were named for the river oaks that dominate the banks of the creek. Originally named “Oaky”, the spelling of Oakey was officially adopted in August 1940.
In terms of scouting, the first troop to be established in Oakey was in 1910 [1]. The 1st district camp was described at Murphy’s Creek in 1954, suggesting that Oakey district may have been formed in sometime around 1953 [2]. At the time of formation of the district, it appears that the first district appointment was a District Scoutmaster by the name of C.E. Werth [3]. By 1957, a G.H. Werth is listed as District Commissioner of Oakey District [4]. The district closed in 1966 was last mentioned in the Branch Annual Report 1965/1966 [5]. Oakey was split into two new districts Beauaraba District and Koala Districts [6, 7].
Oakey Scout Groups (1954): 1st Kingsthorpe Scout Group, 1st Jondaryan Scout Group, 2nd Ackland Scout Group, 2nd Oakey Scout Group, 1st Goombungee Scout Group, 1st Cecil Plains Scout Group, 1st Kulpi Scout Group [2].
Oakey Scout Groups (1960): Cockatoo Scout Group, Jondaryan Scout Group, Pittsworth Scout Group, 2nd Oakey Scout Group, Goombungee Scout Group [9].
Oakey Scout Groups (1968): Millmerran Scout Group, Pampas Scout Group, Pittsworth Scout Group, Oakey Scout Group, Goombungee Scout Group, Crows Nest Scout Group [7].
- Fones, R. (1992). In the light of all the years. Toowong, Australia: The Scout Association of Australia-Queensland Branch. p. 3.
- The Totem (1954). “Oakey District Easter Camp” V. 16 (184), June p 13.
- The Totem (1954). “Corrections” V. 16 (183), May p 19.
- Australian Boy Scouts Association, Queensland Branch (1958). Annual Report 1957-1958.
- Australian Boy Scouts Association, Queensland Branch (1966). Annual Report 1965-1966.
- Madden, J. (2012). Scouting yarn of the Darling Downs: A history. Clifford Gardens, Queensland: The Scout Association of Australia, Queensland Branch Inc., Darling Downs Region. p. 110
- Scouting in Queensland (1968). “District and Area Changes”. Vol. 7 (1), February, p. 31.
- Haskard, D. (1983). The complete book of Australian Scout badges: Part 2, Queensland and Papua New Guinea. Chatswood, NSW: Badgophilist Publications. p. 19.
- Australian Boy Scouts Association, Queensland Branch (1960). Annual Report 1959-1960.