Scouts of the Air
Badge Description
The badge depicted above is from NSW. The main badge used in Queensland was generally a name-tape with the words “Scouts-of-the-Air”. Scout Logo encircled by rope with reef knot
Wording: Scouts of the Air
Scouts of the Air was originally conceived as a programme in Outback Queensland for Cub scouts who are in isolated communities who, are with “School of the Air” programme and would communicate, via radio, with a Cub Scout leader with regards to their programme [1. 2].
Where distance was a disadvantage, Cubs received extra training via radio communication.
- 11th September 1976, Jenny Staddon (Leader Trainer & Cub Leader) and June Eames, along with Kalkadoon District staff initiated training via Radio Communication to 10 ‘new chums’ (Cubs). The Royal Flying Doctor Service co-operated and allowed the use of their broadcasting facilities. The “School of the Air” frequency was used.
- 13th November 1976: Cubs of the Air officially launched at Mount Isa by State Governor, Sir Colin Hannah.
- Cubs of the Air Packs established in Charleville and Cairns and Charters Towers (Kuaran), Long Reach.
- 1980s: Scouts of the Air was established when the Cubs moved up to scouts.
In 2018: the Group was still being run out of the Mt Isa, School of the Air building. They were part of the Central and Western Region.
- Fones, R. (1992). In the light of all the years. Toowong, Australia: The Scout Association of Australia-Queensland Branch. p.189.
- Staddon, J. Region Commssioner, North Western Region, and District Commissioner, Kalkadoon District & Cubs of the Air co-founder. Personal communique 16.2.2018.