Suncoast Region
Badge Description
Scout emblem
The Bunya Pine = Bunya district
Pick & Shovel = Gympie District (Gold Mining heritage)
Bottle Brush = Nambour District
Sailing Boat = Suncoast Region (Sunshine Coast)
Hills = Beaver Masters District (Glasshouse Mountains – Blackall Range)
Logo = Scouts Australia, Friendship knot ties the region together
Badge was issued after 1996
Prior to the Suncoast Region being formed, it was part of other formations. In 1972 it was part of the South East Queensland Zone, which was administered by Branch Headquarters in Brisbane, and districts were supported by Field Commissioners [1]. In 1983, it was part of the South East Region, where it was first mentioned in the 1983 Branch Directory [2]. Finally, in 1991, the Suncoast Region was formed as a result of a Branch decision to move from two big country regions to six smaller country regions in line with the branch philosophy to decentralise the scouting areas. The first Region Commissioner was Paul Parkinson [3].
South East Queensland Zone districts (1972): Maryborough, Maheno, Gympie, Cooroora, Beaver Masters, Nambour, D’Agular Range, Murrumba, Bunya, Barambah, Condamine, Dolphin, South Coast, Stradbroke Island and Beaudesert districts.
South East Region districts (1983) Beaver Masters, Bunya, D’Aguilar Range, Gold Coast Dolphin, Gold Coast Pelican, Gympie, Nambour. Unattached Group: Beaudesert
South East Region districts (1986) Beaver Masters, Bunya, D’Aguilar Range, Gold Coast Dolphin, Gold Coast Pelican, Gympie, Nambour [4]
Suncoast Region districts (2018): Beaver Masters, Bunya, Gympie, Nambour. [5]
Suncoast Region districts (2024): Beaver Masters, Bunya, Gympie, Nambour.
- Scouting in Queensland (1972). “South-East QLD Zone Conference”. Vol 11 (6), July, p. 5.)
- The Scout Association of Australia, Qld Branch. (1983). Directory: Areas, Regions, Districts, Groups 1983.
- The Scout Association of Australia, Qld Branch (1992). 84th Annual Report.
- The Scout Association of Australia, Qld Branch. (1986). “Organisation of Queensland Branch” chart in: Scouting in Queensland. Heritage Centre Archive, Baden Powell Park, Samford, Queensland.
- Scouts Australia, Queensland Branch (2018, March 7). Formation listing 2018. Retrieved from https://scoutsqld.com.au/members/formation-listing/